API Documentation

Use the pasby API to supercharge your digital services and drastically improve user experience flows. Integrate pasby for authentication during onboarding or two-factor authentication processes or use eSignatures during confirmations and document signings.

What is pasby?

pasby™ is more than just an electronic identification system. It's a single-sign-on platform designed to serve national or expat residents of African states, providing them with secure and quick access to sensitive apps.

Start managing user identities with pasby™ get started at Console.

Why pasby?

Get ready to be part of the future of digital services with pasby™. This revolutionary platform provides a more innovative way to log in securely, share your ID data, or sign in without duplicating your information. With pasby, every action becomes smooth, simple, and recognisable, making your digital experiences seamless and hassle-free. Join us in this exciting journey of innovation and security. Here are some of the most common points that businesses mention for adopting pasby:

  • users can securely and efficiently log in using just one identifier, eliminating the need for multiple login credentials and making the process smoother and more convenient.

  • sharing ID data has never been safer and more efficient than with pasby. Users can quickly and safely share their identification information with trusted parties, reducing the hassle and time-consuming process of manual data sharing.

  • onboard users with an efficient account creation mechanism suited to your addressable market audience. There is no need to fill out lengthy forms or require users to remember passwords.

  • users can securely authorise transactions with just a few taps on their mobile device, ensuring a smooth experience. pasby™ enables users to confirm transactions conveniently.

  • users can easily and securely sign documents using their real identities, eliminating the need for physical signatures and paperwork.

How does pasby work?

pasby™ is a flow. Every action is smooth, simple and recognisable. To make identity management effortless and secure, pasby follows a specific structure.

Identities in pasby are users (residents of African states) with national identification numbers. These identities have claims to their ID data, which can be requested through actions governed by scopes called upon by approved apps controlled by recognised organisations (otherwise called consumers) within the private and public sectors of any part of the economy.


The ID data of identities connected to pasby are structured into claims only accessible by the identity's consent.

Find the list of supported claims:

Bio data

  • bio.birthplace
  • bio.birthdate
  • bio.gender
  • bio.maritalstatus
  • bio.bithnumber

Contact data

  • contact.email
  • contact.emailverified
  • contact.phone
  • contact.phoneverified

Address data

  • address.city
  • address.postcode
  • address.country
  • address.place
  • address.formatted
  • address.longitude
  • address.latitude

Naming data

  • naming.family
  • naming.given
  • naming.title
  • naming.name
  • naming.titlePrefix
  • naming.titleSuffix
  • naming.nickname

Nationality data

  • nationality.nationalities
  • nationality.pep
  • nationality.primary
  • nationality.residence
  • nationality.watchListed

ID cards

  • idcards.passport

Financial data

  • financial.bvn
  • financial.bvnBank
  • financial.bvnLevel
  • financial.bvnIAT

Certain claims are not displayed here and are highly guarded for only special use-cases like medicals and educational applications. The above claims are everyday ID data that each and every one of us tend to share with several applications/service providers during economic activities.

Flow actions

Flows with pasby are controlled by actions. These actions are attached to the body of any request that requires user activity. Actions supported:

loginidentification:same, identification:another, identification:wildcard
signupidentification:same, identification:another, identification:wildcard
linkidentification:same, identification:another, identification:wildcard
signsigning:same, signing:another, signing:wildcard, document:sign
confirmsigning:same, signing:another, signing:wildcard


Access to pasby™ is divided into scopes that grant access to different API endpoints. Each organisation's app has access to a set of scopes that control data access to any linked national identities.

A subset of scopes can be requested for each access token. For example, a full set of scopes could be identification:another, identification:wildcard, identity:update, but for a specific access token, it's possible to only request identification:wildcard. This way, you can request the right set of permissions dependant on your use case.

The available scopes for pasby's API are:


Getting started

To get started, create a new application for your organisation on the developer console, then read about how to request the resources you need to access using our HTTP APIs or dedicated client SDKs. When your integration is ready to go live, request production access from our integrations integrity team to verify your integrations. Think of it like submitting your app for publishing on app stores.



Learn how to authenticate your API requests.

Read more


Read about the different types of errors returned by the API.

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Learn about pasby flows and how to manage, retrieve, and delete pasby™ flows.


Learn about the identification model, how to create an identification flow for authentication, and more.


Learn about the signature model, how to create a signature flow for transaction confirmation, and more.

Document Signing

Learn about the e-Doc model, how to create an e-Signature request for documents using pasby™.

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